
Forum logoOnderzoek in Nederland » Otten- Jacob Fredrick 1855?

Profiel afbeelding

Willem, the son  of Frederik Jacob Otten and Maria L.J. Clemens was born 10 March 1878. The father was sailor and "absent". The address was Krom Boomssloot 39. The first witness mentioned in the record was Abraham Burger, living also Krom Boomssloot 39.. In sept 1878 Maria was moving to the address Korte Keizersdwarsstraat 4 and was living there together with Abraham Burger and her two sons. Maria married Abraham Burger 12 Nov 1879.  26 Nov. 1881 a daughter Maria Josephina Burger was born.

According to the Population Registration Maria moved to Krom Boomssloot 39 in Aug. 1877 (without her husband).from the Korte Koningdwarsstraat 4. Frederik Jacob Otten didn't give his new address to the municipality, so he was removed from the population registration officialy (in 1879).   So maybe Frederik Jacob left town between ca. June 1877 (if he was the biological father of Willem) and August 1877.  

The name of the father of Abraham Burger is  Willem, so it's also possible that Abraham is the biological father of Willem Otten and Frederik Jacob left Amsterdam before 1877 (but after 1874).

Mieke Roukens - 25 jul 2015 - 19:44

The birth record of Johan Valentijn Otten, the parents are living in the Dijkstraat. The midwife does the declaration of the birth. The father is sailor and "absent"

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Mieke Roukens - 26 jul 2015 - 10:17

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