Quick update:
In the course of doing a sweep through numerous mentions of Engelbert Hoevel in ORA Borculo records (some are very tough to read due to scan quality and the Gelderland archives will not scan the original documents due to their fragile condition), I found a reference to his age, dated 6 April 1682. Engelbert gave his age as 57, so it appears Engelbert's year of birth was in the 1624/1625 period. It starts on scan 2238 and continues on 2239 (left side):
ORA Borculo, 47-48 6 4 1682 Eng., dr. Hoevel omtrent 57 jaren oud:
Scan 2238:
Scan 2239 (left side):
The 1624/1625 birthdate for Englebert makes sense, as his wife Richarda Marquerinck was baptized in 1625.
This also lines up with what appears to be a first mention in contemporaneous records of Engelbert Hoevels in a document, dated 14 April 1649 (he would have been 24 or 25 years of age):
ORAB 81 16v 17 14 4 1649 Engelbert Hoevel
Scan 456 (left and right sides):
I thought this might be of interest to other descendants of Engelbert Hoevel. No clues on his parents.