Marius van Nes is geboren op 27-10-1876 in Amsterdam, zoon van Willem van Nes en Maria Magdalena Alida Kok. Marius trouwde, 26 jaar oud, op 27-09-1903 met Catharina Margaretha Schram. Zijn beroep was plaatdrukker, kunsthandelaar. Hij vertrok in 1907 vanuit Rotterdam met de Noordam naar New York, op weg naar Canada. De scheiding werd uitgesproken op 13-10-1922. Marius of Martinus woonde in Montreal, Canada. Hij was toen schilder of decorateur. Wie kan mij vertellen hoe het daarna met hem gegaan is?
The last information I have about Marius van Nes is a mention in a letter written by his sister Marie on the 25th of July, 1945 to their uncle Hendrik Marius van Nes (1862-1946), my great-grand-father. She tells to have sent a letter to Marius 3 months before, to his Montreal address, and that the letter had not yet been returned... This shows that he was certainly still alive in 1940 when communications were cut between the Netherlands and the English empire.
Best regards,
Jacques Blocher
Dear Jacques, thank you so much for the information. Would you have some more details about Marius? Wife, children, occupation, adress? He was a "mystery man" to my inlaws, so anything would help.
Dear JJ. I also have his address in Montreal (which I will forward you in the course of the weekend) and somewhere a picture of him as a boy... for the rest of it, I have nothing more than the information available on the internet (Ellis Island ship manifest, divorce judgment on, etc.). How is your (or your inlaws') genealogy linked to him?
dear Jacques, Marius was married to the great-grandmother of my husband. She was 42 years old when she married him (24 years old) in 1903. So he must have been something special. He disappeared in 1907 - to America, on his way to Canada (Ellis Island records). We don't know why. In 1922 they were divorced (on her or his request?). They had no children; she had a child from a former marriage. I could give you lots of information on the Van Nes family, if you like. best regards, Jacqueline
Dear Jacqueline. The last address we have for Marius, according to his sister Marie (Maria Madgalena Alida) is: 1585 St. Elizabeth, Montreal, Canada. This address was valid at least in the early 40s, and maybe still in 1945. Apart from that, I can scan a picture of him as a boy and forward it to any email address that you could give me.
Yes, I would be interested in your Van Nes documentation, although I made persistent research on the matter over the past years!
Best regards,
(Vaux-sur-Seine, France)