My name is Alexandra Hameau.
I´m looking for the names of my grandmoms parends. She is Raymonde Hameau, her girl name is Vercruyssen. She wass born in the region of Paris if not Paris it self. She wass born in 1918 and died in 2001/2002 we are not sure about the date she died. it wass arrouns christmass that we do know.
If there is some/one who knows this family? I would love to know more about them.
Thank you in advance for your reply.
According to the website avis-deces.linternaute.com, Raymonde Vercruyssen was born in Paris on May 1, 1918 and died in Caen on December 20, 2001.
According to this website, her full name is Raymonde Marcelle Vercruyssen.
Raymonde Marcelle Vercruyssen was born on 1-5-1918 as Raymonde Marcelle Charlot. Her mother was the unmarried Lucienne Andreé Pauline Charlot, 17 years old. In the margin (hard to read) is written that Raymonde Marcelle was legitimized in 1921 by her mother and Fernand Vercruyssen (I don't know if he is also her biological father???). They married on 12-5-1921 (? It's hard to read). Also noted in the margin is the marriage of Raymonde Marcelle to Robert Hameau in Paris on 24-2-1940.
They married on 12-5-1921 (? It's hard to read)
O my god, this is amazing info!! thank you so much
I have a medaillon that I wair wich says her birth date is 6-5-1918
But since it was the end of WW1 it could be different. And yes it seems he is her father, but again, it was WW1 so you never know.
Robert Hameau is the man I know to be my dad´s dad.
Wow, I love this! thank you so so much!
Next stop is to know more about her parends and theirs :)