
Forum logoOnderzoek in België en Luxemburg » Nederlandse vluchtelingen, 16e eeuw

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Hello from Berlin,

I am working on a publication about Neudamm, Brandenburg, Germany (today: Dębno, Poland). This town was founded in 1562 by emigrants from the Spanish Netherlands who had to flee from there because of their Lutheran belief.

Is someone familar with this matter? Are there publications about emigrants from the Spanish Netherlands in the 16th century or archival material (in the Rijksarchief te Antwerpen-Beveren or in the FelixArchief in Antwerpen) which could be recommended?

I don't want to examine only sources from Neudamm or Brandenburg, but also those from Belgium.

I live in Berlin and Antwerpen and understand Netherlands language. So you can write me in Netherlands.

Best wishes,

Stefan Rückling

Stefan R?ckling - 24 sep 2019 - 12:01

Perhaps interesting is the book  The Tactics of Toleration: A Refugee Community in the Age of Religious Wars, by Jesse Spohnholz

JP Ouweltjes - 24 sep 2019 - 12:24

Nederlandse emigranten uit de Spaanse Nederlanden & Nederlandse en Belgische emigranten uit de Spaanse Nederlanden

Heb deze 2 zoekers op Opera gezet met ter zake prachtige resultaten u kunt gewoon kiezen. Succes !



Huijghe Etienne - 24 sep 2019 - 17:14

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