
Forum logoOnderzoek in Nederland » Seeking the parentage of Jan Pietersz van Leeuwen (1593-1663) of 16th/17th century Moordrecht

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I am seeking the parentage of Jan Pietersz van Leeuwen (1593-1663) of 16th/17th century Moordrecht.

According to J. de Jager † en H.M. Kuypers, Bewoningsgeschiedenis van de dorpen in de Krimpenerwaard, voor 1700 – Gouderak, Jan Pieters van Leeuwen (born about 1593 based on a deposition, recorded at Gouda on 17 August 1629 (36jr); buried on 23 January 1663 in Moordrecht; married about 1619 to Neeltje Leenderts Trompert (born about 1597, died before 22 June 1674), daughter of Leendert Hendriks and Trijntje Dirksdr.

They were the parents of the following known children: (a) Wijntje Jans van Leeuwen who married Huijbert van Eijck, (b) Pieter Jans van Leeuwen; and (c) Hendrik Jans van Leeuwen who married, on 16 January 1655 at Gouda, Neeltje Jans Proost, daughter of Jan Jans Proost 1597* x Pietertje Gijsdr of Gouderak.

It's a given that the name of Jan Pietersz van Leeuwen was Pieter.  It's very possible that Jan's father appeared on "lijst 1595" but there are too many candidates by the first name of Pieter to make a positive and certain identification.

Any assistance would be sincerely welcomed.

P.S.  In J. de Jager † en H.M. Kuypers's massive work, they kindly transcribed "lijst 1595," "lijst 1651," "lijst 1680," and "lijst 1685."  Does anyone know where the original scans of these "lijsts" are recorded and where scans of the originals can be obtained?  Thanks.

Steve Barnhoorn 2 - 10 jul 2022 - 04:56 (laatst bijgewerkt 10 jul 2022 — 04:58 door auteur)

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First one refers to archive of Hof van Hollant, registers van civiele sententies inv.588 [link]

JP Ouweltjes - 10 jul 2022 - 12:01


The list from 1595 appears to start at scan 39.  See here: Am I correct?

The OA references.  (Oud Archief)?  One appears obvious: Gouda.  The other must be for Moordrecht?

Steve Barnhoorn 2 - 10 jul 2022 - 13:19

Oud Archief indeed but I failed to find it online. Perhaps someone else know it?

JP Ouweltjes - 10 jul 2022 - 21:37

I think it might be on this site, somewhere.  I'll go through it:

Steve Barnhoorn 2 - 11 jul 2022 - 16:49

Returning to the central question of my query, I would sincerely welcome anyone's assistance concerning the parentage of Jan Pietersz van Leeuwen (1593-1663) of 16th/17th century Moordrecht.


Steve Barnhoorn 2 - 16 jul 2022 - 17:44

Archiefdienst Midden Holland holds the info about the villages around the city Gouda, per example Moordrecht 


grada knoop - 19 jul 2022 - 03:27

Hi Grada:

Thanks.  I have been in contact with them concerning the info about the villages near Gouda.  Just wanted to redirect this inquiry back to the original question concerning the parentage of Jan Pietersz van Leeuwen.

Regards, Steve

Steve Barnhoorn 2 - 19 jul 2022 - 06:38 (laatst bijgewerkt 19 jul 2022 — 06:39 door auteur)

From HOF VAN HOLLAND, 1550-161 9 deel I, inv.nrs. 522-649, I think I may have turned up one possible candidate

551/157 29-11-1578:
in de zaak hangende voor dit hof tussen willem cornelisz. baljuw van voshol impt. van indemepnite contra dirck thomasz., willem dircksz., aert houthensz., adriaen jansz., adriaen claesz., cors symonsz. welboren mannen van swammerdam, mitsgaders mourijn dircxsz., lenert zoelen, cornelis thomsz., cornelis bacliers, symon dircxz, dirck pietersz, gerrit pietersz., bertout gerritsz., gerrit jansz. coman, dirk roeloffsz., pieter cornelisz heynonen ende pieter jansz. van leeuwen welboren mannen van den aer gede.

Steve Barnhoorn 2 - 4 mar 2024 - 17:55

Hmm, could be but I doubt it. Jan, Pieter and 'van Leeuwen' are very common names. And the topography - assuming my interpretation is right - is also not very close:

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Distance Ter Aar - Moordrecht is well over 20 kilometers. So yes, it is a candidate, but I think much more is needed to make it a likely candidate. And certainly is one of the places where I would start digging.

-Bart- - 5 mar 2024 - 11:11

Hogenda, "Index op de kopers, verkopers en borgen uit de transportacten en schuldbrieven van MOORDRECHT Rechterlijk Archief 1616-1630":


Leuwen, Gerrit Pietersz van
36,131v 17- 4-1618
Leeuwen, Jan van
36,126v 1- 3-1618
Leeuwen, Claes Cornelisz van
37,166v ..-..-.... won. Zegwaart
Leeuwen, Pieter Cornelisz van
37,182v 17- 2-1624
38, 17 19- 6-1624 buurman van Moordrecht
38, 17v 19- 6-1624
38, 18 19- 6-1624 buurman van Moordrecht
38, 18v 19- 6-1624
Leeuwen, Pieter Volleffsz van
36, 39v 23-12-1616 buurman van Moordrecht
36, 40 23-12-1616
Leeuwen, Pieter Wolffertsz van
37, 27v 19-12-1621 won. Zegwaart
37, 28 19-12-1621 won. Zegwaart
38, 1 24- 4-1624
38, 1v 24- 4-1624
38, 2v 24- 4-1624
38,150v 19-10-1625
Leeuwen/van der Leeuw, Thonis Pietersz van
38, 17 19- 6-1624
38, 17v 19- 6-1624 won. Moordrecht
38,133v 19- 7-1625
39, 15v 11- 4-1627 won. Moordrecht

- There is a "Jan van Leeuwen" without patronym appearing once in 1618. If it is the person you are looking for he must have been ~25 years.
- Potentially 2 brothers "Pietersz van Leeuwen". And 2 (or 3?) Pieters as candidate fathers.
- The author of this document (J. Heemskerk) apparently has drawn the conclusion that 'van Leeuwen' and 'van der Leeuw' may/can be synonymous in this context (time, place)

[Edit:] Scans are to be found here. Choose "Streekarchief Midden-Holland in Gouda", then "19 Archief van het Gerecht Moordrecht". For "Jan van Leeuwen, 36,126v 1- 3-1618"(see above) choose 36, and then around scan 250 the scans are showing the date of the first of March 1618. (You may be busy for a while....)

Archiefman, inventaris oud archief Ambacht Moordrecht:

2.1.1 Eigendommen van het ambacht, 233. Akte van transport [etc.]  met retroacta. A.o:

"Erfgenamen van Hendrik Jansz van Leeuwen aan mr. Adam en Pieter Goethardt, 9 augustus 1683."

-Bart- - 5 mar 2024 - 12:58 (laatst bijgewerkt 5 mar 2024 — 13:30 door auteur)

Hi Bart:

Sorry for the delay in replying to your kind response. I'll take your word for it on the geography lesson - LOL.  Thanks.

And thanks for pointing out the 1618 record concerning a "Jan van Leeuwen" without a patronym. Incidentally, Jane deposed his age in 1629 as being 36 years old, so it could be the same person. I'll check out the document you mentioned.  

With deep appreciation,


Steve Barnhoorn 2 - 6 mar 2024 - 00:18

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