
Forum logoOnderzoek in Indonesië » Deux, Francois, Tobias voorm. Nederlands Indi? 18e/19e eeuw

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ik ben op zoek naar de voorouders en meer gegevens over François, Tobias Deux. Hij leefde in het voormalige Ned. Indie en ik heb alleen maar verhalen die nergens terug te vinden zijn. Hij zou n.l getrouwd zijn geweest met: Raden Adjeng Adiniengar en/of met Leonarda, Carolina Dezentjé. Van zijn afkomst gaat het verhaal dat hij op 8 jarige leeftijd naar Java is gestuurd als zoon van Henriette Leclerc en een zekere N. Bonaparte ;-) Wie weet meer en/of kan helpen aan bronnen? Fred van der Burg

[Titel aangepast]

Uitgeschreven lid - 8 nov 2005 - 20:01

Mijn oma was een kleindochter van François Tobias Tobias Deux, waar ik een photo (van zijn schilderij) van heb. Ik zoek naae mannelijke afstammelingen die in een onafgebroken mannelijke lijn van zonen van François Tobias Deux afstammen voor kern DNA ondersoek om te weten of we echt van Napoleon afstammen. In mijn geval is dat al moeilijk omdat ik afstam van een kleindochter van François Tobias Deux. Onderstaand is leuk om te weten: François Tobias Tobias Deux LECLERC Aimée (19/06 1782-1868) Born during France most turbulent era, Aimée Leclerc was truly a product of her time. Immersed from birth in the many emerging new ideologies, she became an ardent admirer of Pauline Léon and Claire Lacombe, who would often visit her parent’s estate in Pointoise with her cousin Jean Théophile Victor Leclerc, founder of the Enragés. Aimée was only just 11 when Pauline Léon and Claire Lacombe co-founded the Société des Républicaines Révolutionnaires (Society of Revolutionary Republicans) in February 1793. Looking older then her age, she would often visit them with Jean Théophile Victor Leclerc at the club’s headquarters in Paris. Always eager to please, she enjoyed helping with collecting and entering the club’s fees in their books. She was so good at it that she was nicknamed Henriette (meaning keeper of the house). The Société des Républicaines Révolutionnaires (with 200 exclusively female members) was generally regarded as a sort of "feminist” section of Jean Théophile Victor Leclerc Enragés. The Club was outlawed the following year by Robespierre. Pauline Léon, Claire Lacombe and most members of the Société, including Henriette (Aimée) Leclerq, who happened to be at the club were arrested in April 1794 and imprisoned in Luxembourg prison where they remained until August 19, 1794. Her parents decided to sent Aimée, who has grown into s striking beauty to the renowned institution of Madame Campan in Saint-Germain, where she became acquainted with Hortense de Beaharnais and Caroline Bonaparte, Napoleon’s sister. Napoleon marries Rose de Beauharnais (the future Empress Joséphine) on 03 October 1796 apparently unaware that Aimée who he had lovingly named his Madam Deux, had returned to her parents home in Pointoise. Aimée was only 14 when she gave birth to a son, rumored to be fathered by Napoleon. She named her son François Tobias Deux and remained in Pointoise with her parents, who brought François Tobias up as their own child. A frequent visitor to Pointoise was Laetitia Bonaparte, Madame Mère, who took a special interest in the welfare of Aimé and the baby. Madame Mère decided to find a suitable husband for Aimée. She soon set her eyes on DAVOUT, Louis Nicholas, duc d'Auerstadt and prince d'Eckmühl, the descendant of a noble family which could trace its origins back into the 13th century. He was educated first at the military school at Auxerre, and then at the Ecole Militaire in Paris. Davout was already divorced in January 1794 from his first wife, Marie-Nicolle Adelaide (née de Seguenot). Aimée and Davout were married November 1801. They seem to be a happy couple. They had 9 children: 1. Paul 1802 -1803 2. Josephine 1804 -1805 3. Antoinette Josephine 1805 - 19 August 1821 4. Adèle Napoléonie June 1807 - 21 January 1885 5. Napoléon, March 1809 - 1810) 6. Jules, 1809 (died in infancy) 7. Napoléon Louis, 6 January 1811 - 13 August 1853 8. Jules 1812 – 1813 9. Louise Adélaïde, 8 July 1815 - 6 October 1892). As can be seen, few children survived infancy François Tobias Deux however remained a threat in the eyes of Josephine, who feared that the boy would one day succeed Napoleon as emperor instead of the son of Hortense, her daugther. Josephine began plotting and scheming so successfully that it was Madam Mère herself, who convinced Napoleon to send François Tobias away to be groomed as a King of the East Indies, which had in the meantime become part of the French empire when Napoleon conqeored Holland with all its territories. François Tobias was only 8 years old when he made the long journey to Batavia, where he was placed in the care of the Dusantiers, a high ranking French family, who immediately began the important task of grooming him for his future role. The Dusantiers introduced him to all the Sultans, who were immediately taken by the handsome little boy. It was the Susuhunan (sultan) of Solo however, who was so taken in by Tobias that he opened up his home for him, where he was treated as a member of the family. home In 1811 Java fell to a British East India Company force under Lord Minto, governor-general of India, who, after the surrender, appointed Thomas Stamford Raffles as lieutenant governor. Many French people left. Java but François Tobias and the Dusantiers (Dezentjé’s as they were called) remained under the special protection of the Susuhunan (Sultan) of Solo. In 1816 François Tobias married Leonara Caroline Dusantier, the little girl who was so kind to him when he arrived in Batavia. She sadly died in 1819 when giving birth to their second child. She was only 18. Heartbroken, François Tobias took his 2 infant children to the security of Solo, where he felt at home. The 2 little girls, Johanna Louise and Carolina Magdalena Deux were looked after by one of the princesses, who devoted herself entirely to their care. François Tobias married the princess, Raden Adjeng Hadiningrat in 1829, 10 years after the death of his first wife. They had 7 children, who’s off spring are now spread all over the world. Irene van Kuyk/Hanssens/Deux

Uitgeschreven lid - 1 feb 2008 - 22:13

Hallo met Richard Deux uit Arnhem.
Jongste zoon van Adrianus,Bernardus,Hein Deux %26 Maria,Rosalina Prints.

Richard Deux - 5 feb 2008 - 20:51


Leuke informatie allemaal!
Kan je me ook de bronnen geven waar je de gegevens vandaan hebt?
Ben ook erg geïnteresseerd in de afbeelding die je hebt van François Tobias.
Ondertussen heb ik de gegevens die ik heb aan je doorgemaild.


F.E. van der Burg - 6 feb 2008 - 10:40

Hallo Richard,

Ik ben al enige maanden bezig met het verhaal 'Napoleon-Deux'. Zo heb ik al het e.e.a. kunnen verzamelen en zelfs uittekenen. Francois Tobias Deux was gehuwd geweest met een zus van mijn voorouder Johannes Augustinus Dezentje. Ik heb al wat lijnen uitgezet in Parijs bij de Vrijmetselarij. Je kunt mij bereiken of e-mail: Vriendelijke groeten, Marnix de Paula Lopes

M.A. de Paula Lopes - 19 jun 2008 - 15:22

Gefeliciteerd Marnix!

Het is een hele puzzel en elke vondst in deze lijn is een felicitatie waard!

Ik hoop dat je een gedocumenteerde bron hebt gevonden die de lijn naar Napoleon bevestigd?


F.E. van der Burg - 19 jun 2008 - 21:31

Hallo allemaal,

Ik stam af van Gabrielle Virginie Deux en heb me ook al een tijdje met deze lijn bezig gehouden.

Weten jullie dat het Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie een paar microfiches heeft met daarop lijsten uit 1819 van de mannelijke inwoners van Soerakarta van Europese afkomst, ouder dan 16 jaar?

Daar stond Francois Tobias Deux ook op, samen met... zijn vader.

Volgens deze gegevens (die destijds overigens best uit de duim gezogen kunnen zijn) is "Frans Tobias Deux" geboren in Soerakarta in 1802 en zijn vader, Frans Deux, in 1764 in Angoulème, Frankrijk.

Deze oudste Frans was opziener bij de vogelpluk.

Het is natuurlijk nog steeds mogelijk, dat de oudere Francois Deux alleen de pleegvader was van het buitenechtelijke kind van Napoleon, maar het verhaal over de naam "Madame Deux" wordt in elk geval wel wat ongeloofwaardiger...

Ten slotte nog een belangrijk detail: volgens een advertentie uit de Javaansche Courant ging onze François Tobias Deux dood op 6 juli 1841 in Ampel (Soerakarta) en was hij suikerwerker te Kartasoera.

Er gaat wel een andere François Deux dood op 1 februari 1843, maar dat zal dan de man zijn die in het bevolkingsregister als zijn vader stond ingeschreven.

Ik heb overigens de overlijdensakte van François Frederik Deux (1831-1909) bekeken, en deze bevestigt dat zijn moeder Raden Adjeng Adiniengar is (ook al is dit mogelijk een verbastering). Dat mag dus voor waar worden aangenomen.

Vriendelijke groet, Jorick.

Jorick M?ller - 21 aug 2008 - 00:37

Elisabeth - 12 apr 2009 - 09:35


Just in case dat je mijn antwoord nog niet heb op je vraag.

Ik heb de gegevens gekregen van een kennis, die lid was van de NZ Napoleonic Societe, een branch van de Napoleonic Societe in de USA, previous HO Clearwater Florida USA.


irene van kuyk/Hanssens/Deux - 15 apr 2009 - 07:51

Hi Irene,

helaas heb ik geen nieuws over het Napoleon front :-)

Volgens mij moeten we het nu hebben van DNA onderzoek en ik geloof dat Marnix daarmee bezig is.

Als ik het goed begrepen heb is er van verder archiefonderzoek niet veel meer te verwachtten maar je weet maar nooit........


F.E. van der Burg - 15 apr 2009 - 17:46

Ik ben de achter kleinzoon van Elvire Philippi wiens moeder een Deux was.
Het lijkt m onwaarschijnlijker dat we afstammen van Nap. Dit vond ik op gahetna:

J.R - 1 aug 2011 - 16:30

Hi J.R.


My name is Irene. I have not lived in Holland since 1960, having lived all over the world with my husband and 3 Bermuda born children. We now live in New Zealand but will move to Singapore later this month for about 1 year.


The older ones in our large Deux family remember that our grandmother, Gabrielle Deux, received an allowance from the estate of Napoleon Bonaparte, which unfortunately stopped during the First World War, when important papers got lost during heavy bombing. This they used to tell the younger generation over and over again ? to pass on to the next so we won?t forget our roots.


That was the main reason why my eldest sister and her husband spent a LIFETIME researching our genealogy. I have personally seen letters during my visits to Holland; they have received from the office of President Pompidou.

They lost all interest after the sudden death of their only child, a son, who left behind a young wife and 5 children.


I have since tried to no avail (difficult, not living in Holland) to find out what has happened to all their research papers after my brother in law and my sister passed away.


Please try to keep an open mind because you never know.................................




irene van kuyk/Hanssens/Deux - 2 aug 2011 - 17:57

I have some papers in my possession given to me by my aunt but they are writen in French. Somethings I doubt, for exable I have seen a picture of a painting said to be Francois Thobias Deux. But I have seen this same picture in a shop in Yogjakarta were they said its one of the former Susuhunans (kings). And I have been to the royal semitry in Yogya named Imogiri but didn't find the grave of Thobias Deux. Furthermore I have read in a book that Thobias Deux was an overseer at a sugar plantation, altough this doesn't proof ore disproofs anything.

J.R - 9 aug 2011 - 13:45



We are scheduled to leave NZ for Singapore on the 26th of this month, where we will be staying for about 1 year.


I have in the past visited de Kraton in Solo with my husband Marcel and our son Albert where we met Pangerang Soerio (now deceased). He still spoke French, which he enjoyed practising.

It is perhaps not so well known by the younger generation that French was in the 1800?s until the beginning of the 1900?s still widely spoken in ?gegoede kringen? in Java.

It is even now still one of the popular second languages for some of the elite.


My husband was at that time when we met the pangerang, engineer superintendent for a French maritime company. We spent a lot of time in New Caledonia, Tahiti and other French colonies. Our French is predominantly Francais du Pacifique, which is a bit like Indisch Hollands.

We had a lovely time with the pangerang conversing in what old Indisch people know as gedat gedoet (a mixture of just about everything). A bit of Dutch, a bit of Behasa, a bit of French, a bit of English, Spanish and a bit of just about anything. We had lots of lol (fun) but we also picked up a lot of valuable information.


One of the things the pangerang told us was that there are many gifts in the Kraton from Napoleon to the Susuhunan. These gifts had to be hidden when Raffles became governor during the British time in Indonesia (before it was returned to the Dutch after the fall of Napoleon).


He also told us that a Ketoprak is sometimes performed for the  Susuhunan and his family about how a prince from France married the daughter of the Susuhunan, years after his French wife died giving birth to her secon child. Interesting isn't! 


Our youngest daughter (born in Bermuda), has been working in Bali for the past 10 years as marketing director for a wine company. She will take me to the Kraton because it is only a short distance from Singapore compared to New Zealand. It will be interesting to see what we can find out.


Would you be so kind to share the French papers given to you by your aunt? It would also be nice if I knew her name because I can perhaps find her in our extensive genealogy.


Kind regards,


irene van kuyk/Hanssens/Deux - 9 aug 2011 - 22:09

Hi Fred,

Na zolang eindelijk weer een berichtje van me! Ik heb helaas moeten stoppen met mijn research omdat ik het te druk heb gehad met het verzorgen van mijn man, die al mijn aandacht nodig had na zijn laatste stroke.

Hij is nu weer een beetje beter maar kan nog steeds niet alleen lopen. We gaan eind deze maand voor een jaar naar Singapore, waar hij speciale behandeling krijgt. We hebben daar a live in maid from midden Java. Singapore is only a short distance from Indonesia. Ik ben daarom van plan om met de hulp van onze dochter, die al meer dan 10 jaar in Bali werkt, wat verdere onderzoek te doen over onze afkomst.

Met vriendelijk groet,


irene van kuyk/Hanssens/Deux - 9 aug 2011 - 22:24

My aunty's name is Alice Düne-Philippi, her mother (my great grandmother) is Elvire Philippi-Hanssens.

When you go to Solo, maybe you can visit the royal semerty Imogiri to, maybe you can find the grave?
Ik wil die papieren wel delen, ik ga ze zoeken en als PDF inscannen.

J.R - 10 aug 2011 - 08:24

Hi Irene,

veel sterkte met de verhuizing!  Zo te zien ben je al aardig wat keren verhuisd maar het lijkt mij toch telkens weer een hele ingreep.

Ben benieuwd of je straks nog wat te eten komt als je Java bezoekt.

Tijdens mijn vacantie heb ik nog de kraton bezocht en heb daarbij gevraagd of ik het schilderij van Francois mocht bekijken maar verschillende gidsen verzekerden mij dat die in de privevertrekken hing en niet te bezichtigen was. Of dit waar was of dat er gevist werd naar wat extra ruphia's weet ik niet.

Bij mijn volgende bezoek aan Java hoop ik wat tijd door te brengen in het Arsip Nasional om gegevens op te zoeken van de familie.


F.E. van der Burg - 10 aug 2011 - 20:46



That is really a surprise because Alice is my cousin. Her mother is a younger sister of my father.

Your aunt Alice is known in our family as very brave and remarkable woman, someone to be very proud of.


Please say Hello to her for me.





irene van kuyk/Hanssens/Deux - 11 aug 2011 - 03:32

Hi Irene,
O then you the cousin of my grandfather Henri Charles Phillipi to!

J.R - 11 aug 2011 - 08:12


Hi JR,


I would very much like to get some copies of the papers, you mentioned. It does not matter if they are in French because I might hopefully understand most of it.


We are now temporary for about 1 year or 2 in Singapore and it is therefore easier for me to go to Solo then before from New Zealand.


By the way the photo of Francois Tobias Deux was a present from Pangerang Soerio shortly before he passed away. He still spoke French. Pangerang Soerio liked to maintain the French language because he was proud Kraton solo had with France, which dates as far back as the early eighteen hundreds when our ancestral father became part of Kraton Solo through his marriage to one of the daughters of the Susuhunan. Pangerang Soerio assured me that it was a copy of a painting of Francois Tobias Deux.

A Ketoprak (a play) is also still being performed up to now in the Kraton about how a French Prince came to Java as a small boy and later won the heart of a Solo princess years after his young French wife died in child birth.


Interesting isn't it. Some facts are indeed stranger than fiction



irene van kuyk/Hanssens/Deux - 15 nov 2011 - 16:11

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