Dear all. I have been fortunate to find near twenty ancestors of the ancient DNA research done in 2016 in several Viking settlements, all seen as in ancestry for my wife. Three years ago in this forum I got a lot of help sorting out one de Antonini / Antoninis branch from Rovereto supposed descending from this family. After three years we have got the original family trees from Veneto, Udine from Fondo del Torson and we have been able to draw a still vague trace from Veneto to Cham in Bavaria and to Villingen in today's Baden Wurttemberg from where the first by name known ancestor is told to have arrived in late 1308 Veneto. One branch in 1400 left for Cracow and that is my wife father's lineage. The family had used before 1400 the coat of arms of von Uttendorff of Passau, that is related with von Hals in Uttendorff and a family in Aguilea in Veneto, all from Bavaria. The y DNA of several Anthoni males is N-BY21971, extremely rare as it is after Finnic origin Vikings from the year 950, in Fröjel VK-461 in Gotland. Our problem is one part of the name in 1308: Alberto von Villingen, nobile ei Wurttemberg, Signore DI Folingh, Svevia. The Folingh name could be Vulling, Vulling, Vuelling, Völling. This could point for Folinghbo near the grave of the ancestor in Fröjel, Gotland or the Fölingen near in Sweden mainland. But this is too far in time. The genealogists have given two possible avenues for arriving in Bavaria, with Otto the Second of Germany in 976 when he came from Slesvig with some allied Viking and the Swedish Skanze was rebuild in Cham, or from Frisian and more likely from Dorestad areas, supported by the River Rhein. I found Vulling family name in Kleve, near the Dutch border. Does this point for a place/area/district or any location? The family name appears in the forum discussions.